Friday, 24 January 2014

Media Schedule

13th Jan
1 Schedule Creation:
This week my objective is to create a realistic and achievable schedule that will allow my project to succeed and be ready to submit by the 15th of February. I will aim to complete the objectives which I created in my treatment handbook, however if I find a better way to do something then these objectives might change. As well as work within college I will complete 3 homework tasks per week that should take no more than four hours a week.

2 Schedule Creation:
Today I will take into account my existing exam schedule that is based on the other exams and subjects I currently study so that I am able to produce a realistic schedule that is actually feasible. Today I also have a film studies exam, which I need to prepare for. Because of this I will not be doing any more Media coursework once three-hour session is over, because it is more important that I concentrate on that. I also need to source some more information from my Computing and Film studies teachers so that I know about upcoming deadlines over the next 6 weeks.

Homework 1:
Research fonts for article 1 (7 Unusual Ways to Make Money).
I have decided to concentrate on completing this article first because I have already done a print mock up and written an article draft for it.
Homework 2:
Decide which font I am going to use in this dps.
Homework 3:
Decide what blending options I am going to apply to my title.

These three homework tasks can be completed in the Atrium (college computer area) or at home if I do not manage to fit it in during college hours.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Computing coursework deadline – 14th January
Film Studies SSR coursework session – 15th January

20th Jan
1 Article 1 Draft 2
I have already done a first draft of this 7 Unusual Ways To Make Money during my print mock-up so the sensible thing to do now is develop it further. Perhaps try and edit the article down so it is a little shorter. The reason I am doing this relatively soon is because I find it the least fun so once it is out the way I can concentrate on the design process.

2 Creating a second draft will take two lessons.

3 Photoshoot Planning
Planning my photoshoot basically involves creating a very rough sketch of the photos I want making sure my models are ready and prepared for the shoot and also gathering any props I need. I have decided to do all three of my photoshoots in 1 session because it is more convenient and it means they’re over and done with. Because of this planning will take a whole session and might even spill over into homework.

4 Project Monitoring & Photoshoots
project monitoring basically involves making sure I am keeping up to date with my schedule, and if I am behind on anything I will need to create a plan which makes sure I get back on track.

Because I am doing all 3 photoshoots in one session I need to make sure I have done sufficient planning before hand so no time is wasted. It is likely that the shoot will take a full session especially if some time is going towards project monitoring.

Homework 1:
By this time I will have completed a second draft of my article so I will need to get feedback from my target audience; this will be done through a small informal interview with 3 different people. Then I will know what I need to change for the final draft. This will be done during free periods at college.
Homework 2:
Make the necessary improvements to my article. This will become the final draft, which will be used in the final dps. This will be done during free periods at college and at home if I don’t manage to get everything finished.
Homework 3:
I will need to remind my models about the photoshoot before it occurs so that they don’t forget and so that they wear the right clothing. Once the photoshoot is over I will need to choose which images I actually want to use and which ones I can delete, this will be done during free periods. I also need make sure I leave time free to redo the photoshoot if something goes wrong.
Exams/other subject deadlines: No deadlines this week
I will be helping a classmate in his photoshoot lesson two which might limit the amount of time I have.

1 Begin Sub-editing
By this time I should have a completed article, all the photos I want and know which titles I am going to. Which means this week should be spent sub editing everything together; this process will take a long time and will involve a lot of experimenting with different techniques to decide what looks best?

2 Continue Sub-editing
Hopefully by the second lesson I will have a basic layout created, at this point I will be able to seek advice from my fellow classmates because most of them fit my target audience. Once I have had some advice and heard some new ideas I will hopefully have enough new material to continue developing the dps. This segment includes experimenting with different color schemes, editing photos (removing the backgrounds)

3 Getting feedback
Hopefully by this third lesson my dps will be basically complete, however if it isn’t I can have a bit of lee-way and finish it during the 4th lesson. If I did manage to finish the dps then I will need to gather some feedback from my target audience as well as make which will enable me to make any minor alterations to things like my fonts or the color.

4 Project Monitoring & Article 2 Draft 1
Once my first dps is completely finished it is important I do not waste any time and I go straight onto working on “How to Get BIG on Youtube”. I will start this process by writing my first draft, before I begin I will re-read my treatment handbook to get the objectives I set back in my head.

Homework 1:
My homework task for this week is to basically make sure I get my sub-editing finished before the end of the week, If I can just continue developing the dps in between lessons then this mini-deadline should hopefully be met.
Completing my dps counts as two homework tasks because of the amount of time involved. These tasks will be completed in the Atrium or on the spare computers that are in the Media classroom, I cannot do any sub-editing at home because I do not have access to InDesign.
Homework 3:
This homework task will be spent completing my article 2 draft which I started during my forth lesson.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Film Studies Creative Coursework

3rd   Feb
1 Article 2 Draft 2
I will need to gather some feedback from my target audience so that I am then able to improve the article with a second draft. Hopefully this second draft is sufficient enough to be the final draft however my peers or I think it still needs improving this will become a homework task.
2 Begin Sub-editing
I will have completed all of the research I need, as well as the article and the photoshoot so by this time I will be able to start sub-editing, I aim to have at-least a basic layout as well as the header completed by the end of this lesson.

3 Continue Sub-editing
Sub-editing is a difficult process which will definitely take me more than 1 lesson to complete, I plan to continue sub-editing this lesson.

4 Project Monitoring & Finishing Sub-editing
hopefully by the forth lesson I will have had some feedback and I’ll be able to spend the lesson making final touches and doing minor improvements. By the end of the lesson I plan to have my second dps complete.
Homework 1:
If my second article draft is not complete and finalized, I  need to make sure I get it done before lesson two so I can concentrate on sub-editing. As well as that I need to do some research into fonts, colour schemes and existing dps’ so that I have some inspiration before making my dps.
Homework 2:
My second homework task is just to make sure I complete this second dps before week 5, this will involve working on it in the college computer rooms inbetween lessons.

Exams/other subject deadlines:

10th  Feb
1 Week 5 will be spent working on my 3rd and final DPS, Is Piracy Bad? This will follow the same production pattern as the other two but with one slight difference, this article requires me to research and find statistics, which I do not already have. Lesson 1 will be spent finding out everything I need to know using the internet as well as conducting a small survey. I will then start writing my article towards the end of the lesson if I have time.

2 By this lesson my article will be complete and I will spend the lesson researching fonts, layouts and color schemes so that I will be able to start sub-editing outside of lesson.

3 Sub-editing
By lesson 3 I will have made good progress on my dps because I will have been working on it in free periods, this lesson will be spent continuing that.

4 Project Monitoring & Sub-editing
Hopefully by this lesson I will be able to just make any finishing touches and minor improvements to my third article based on assessor feedback.
Homework 1:
At this point the deadline is starting to get quite close, because of this I need to work slightly harder and do a little more work outside of the classroom, so I aim to complete my article before the second lesson.
Homework 2:
My free periods will be spent working on my dps in InDesign. This will probably take a few hours’ worth of hard work. By the end of this week I hope to have my third and final dps completed.

Exams/other subject deadlines:

Half term

17th Feb

Homework: Complete Monitoring and make sure that blog elements are complete


1 Writing sell lines and font research
I decided to leave my magazine front cover till last because that is what I enjoy creating the most. This first lesson will basically be spent preparing to make it, so I need to decide what fonts I am going to use, the page sizes, relooking over my treatment etc.

2 Sub-editing
My second lesson will be spent just continuing to work on the front cover which I will also be working on outside of lessons.

3 Sub-editing
Because I don’t have to write an article for the front cover it should hopefully take a little less time and I aim to finish it during this third lesson or at least before the forth lesson.

4 Project Monitoring & Finishing off
This final lesson will be spent doing any outstanding work and doing things like printing and uploading my work to the necessary websites and folders.

My homework this week will be to finish my front cover before lesson 4 as well as do any other work which I have outstanding, so that I am able to meet the deadline on time.
Exams/other subject deadlines:

3rd  Mar

Audience/Assessor Review Week

1 Create Audience review questionnaire

2 Teacher assessment of project

3 & 4 Complete prep work for evaluation E exam

Unit 5 Blog Deadline 7th

13th Jan
1 Schedule Creation:
This week my objective is to create a realistic and achievable schedule that will allow my project to succeed and be ready to submit by the 15th of February. I will aim to complete the objectives which I created in my treatment handbook, however if I find a better way to do something then these objectives might change. As well as work within college I will complete 3 homework tasks per week that should take no more than four hours a week.

2 Schedule Creation:
Today I will take into account my existing exam schedule that is based on the other exams and subjects I currently study so that I am able to produce a realistic schedule that is actually feasible. Today I also have a film studies exam, which I need to prepare for. Because of this I will not be doing any more Media coursework once three-hour session is over, because it is more important that I concentrate on that. I also need to source some more information from my Computing and Film studies teachers so that I know about upcoming deadlines over the next 6 weeks.

Homework 1:
Research fonts for article 1 (7 Unusual Ways to Make Money).
I have decided to concentrate on completing this article first because I have already done a print mock up and written an article draft for it.
Homework 2:
Decide which font I am going to use in this dps.
Homework 3:
Decide what blending options I am going to apply to my title.

These three homework tasks can be completed in the Atrium (college computer area) or at home if I do not manage to fit it in during college hours.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Computing coursework deadline – 14th January
Film Studies SSR coursework session – 15th January

20th Jan
1 Article 1 Draft 2
I have already done a first draft of this 7 Unusual Ways To Make Money during my print mock-up so the sensible thing to do now is develop it further. Perhaps try and edit the article down so it is a little shorter. The reason I am doing this relatively soon is because I find it the least fun so once it is out the way I can concentrate on the design process.

2 Creating a second draft will take two lessons.

3 Photoshoot Planning
Planning my photoshoot basically involves creating a very rough sketch of the photos I want making sure my models are ready and prepared for the shoot and also gathering any props I need. I have decided to do all three of my photoshoots in 1 session because it is more convenient and it means they’re over and done with. Because of this planning will take a whole session and might even spill over into homework.

4 Project Monitoring & Photoshoots
project monitoring basically involves making sure I am keeping up to date with my schedule, and if I am behind on anything I will need to create a plan which makes sure I get back on track.

Because I am doing all 3 photoshoots in one session I need to make sure I have done sufficient planning before hand so no time is wasted. It is likely that the shoot will take a full session especially if some time is going towards project monitoring.

Homework 1:
By this time I will have completed a second draft of my article so I will need to get feedback from my target audience; this will be done through a small informal interview with 3 different people. Then I will know what I need to change for the final draft. This will be done during free periods at college.
Homework 2:
Make the necessary improvements to my article. This will become the final draft, which will be used in the final dps. This will be done during free periods at college and at home if I don’t manage to get everything finished.
Homework 3:
I will need to remind my models about the photoshoot before it occurs so that they don’t forget and so that they wear the right clothing. Once the photoshoot is over I will need to choose which images I actually want to use and which ones I can delete, this will be done during free periods. I also need make sure I leave time free to redo the photoshoot if something goes wrong.
Exams/other subject deadlines: No deadlines this week
I will be helping a classmate in his photoshoot lesson two which might limit the amount of time I have.

1 Begin Sub-editing
By this time I should have a completed article, all the photos I want and know which titles I am going to. Which means this week should be spent sub editing everything together; this process will take a long time and will involve a lot of experimenting with different techniques to decide what looks best?

2 Continue Sub-editing
Hopefully by the second lesson I will have a basic layout created, at this point I will be able to seek advice from my fellow classmates because most of them fit my target audience. Once I have had some advice and heard some new ideas I will hopefully have enough new material to continue developing the dps. This segment includes experimenting with different color schemes, editing photos (removing the backgrounds)

3 Getting feedback
Hopefully by this third lesson my dps will be basically complete, however if it isn’t I can have a bit of lee-way and finish it during the 4th lesson. If I did manage to finish the dps then I will need to gather some feedback from my target audience as well as make which will enable me to make any minor alterations to things like my fonts or the color.

4 Project Monitoring & Article 2 Draft 1
Once my first dps is completely finished it is important I do not waste any time and I go straight onto working on “How to Get BIG on Youtube”. I will start this process by writing my first draft, before I begin I will re-read my treatment handbook to get the objectives I set back in my head.

Homework 1:
My homework task for this week is to basically make sure I get my sub-editing finished before the end of the week, If I can just continue developing the dps in between lessons then this mini-deadline should hopefully be met.
Completing my dps counts as two homework tasks because of the amount of time involved. These tasks will be completed in the Atrium or on the spare computers that are in the Media classroom, I cannot do any sub-editing at home because I do not have access to InDesign.
Homework 3:
This homework task will be spent completing my article 2 draft which I started during my forth lesson.

Exams/other subject deadlines:
Film Studies Creative Coursework

3rd   Feb
1 Article 2 Draft 2
I will need to gather some feedback from my target audience so that I am then able to improve the article with a second draft. Hopefully this second draft is sufficient enough to be the final draft however my peers or I think it still needs improving this will become a homework task.
2 Begin Sub-editing
I will have completed all of the research I need, as well as the article and the photoshoot so by this time I will be able to start sub-editing, I aim to have at-least a basic layout as well as the header completed by the end of this lesson.

3 Continue Sub-editing
Sub-editing is a difficult process which will definitely take me more than 1 lesson to complete, I plan to continue sub-editing this lesson.

4 Project Monitoring & Finishing Sub-editing
hopefully by the forth lesson I will have had some feedback and I’ll be able to spend the lesson making final touches and doing minor improvements. By the end of the lesson I plan to have my second dps complete.
Homework 1:
If my second article draft is not complete and finalized, I  need to make sure I get it done before lesson two so I can concentrate on sub-editing. As well as that I need to do some research into fonts, colour schemes and existing dps’ so that I have some inspiration before making my dps.
Homework 2:
My second homework task is just to make sure I complete this second dps before week 5, this will involve working on it in the college computer rooms inbetween lessons.

Exams/other subject deadlines:

10th  Feb
1 Week 5 will be spent working on my 3rd and final DPS, Is Piracy Bad? This will follow the same production pattern as the other two but with one slight difference, this article requires me to research and find statistics, which I do not already have. Lesson 1 will be spent finding out everything I need to know using the internet as well as conducting a small survey. I will then start writing my article towards the end of the lesson if I have time.

2 By this lesson my article will be complete and I will spend the lesson researching fonts, layouts and color schemes so that I will be able to start sub-editing outside of lesson.

3 Sub-editing
By lesson 3 I will have made good progress on my dps because I will have been working on it in free periods, this lesson will be spent continuing that.

4 Project Monitoring & Sub-editing
Hopefully by this lesson I will be able to just make any finishing touches and minor improvements to my third article based on assessor feedback.
Homework 1:
At this point the deadline is starting to get quite close, because of this I need to work slightly harder and do a little more work outside of the classroom, so I aim to complete my article before the second lesson.
Homework 2:
My free periods will be spent working on my dps in InDesign. This will probably take a few hours’ worth of hard work. By the end of this week I hope to have my third and final dps completed.

Exams/other subject deadlines:

Half term

17th Feb

Homework: Complete Monitoring and make sure that blog elements are complete


1 Writing sell lines and font research
I decided to leave my magazine front cover till last because that is what I enjoy creating the most. This first lesson will basically be spent preparing to make it, so I need to decide what fonts I am going to use, the page sizes, relooking over my treatment etc.

2 Sub-editing
My second lesson will be spent just continuing to work on the front cover which I will also be working on outside of lessons.

3 Sub-editing
Because I don’t have to write an article for the front cover it should hopefully take a little less time and I aim to finish it during this third lesson or at least before the forth lesson.

4 Project Monitoring & Finishing off
This final lesson will be spent doing any outstanding work and doing things like printing and uploading my work to the necessary websites and folders.

My homework this week will be to finish my front cover before lesson 4 as well as do any other work which I have outstanding, so that I am able to meet the deadline on time.
Exams/other subject deadlines:

3rd  Mar

Audience/Assessor Review Week

1 Create Audience review questionnaire

2 Teacher assessment of project

3 & 4 Complete prep work for evaluation E exam

Unit 5 Blog Deadline 7th

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