Product name: Shortcut
Client: The Northern Echo
Date: 19.11.2013 Project completion date:
What is the genre of your magazine? What are you
informing your audience about?
How will it branded?
What are the connotations of your branding
What are the connotations of the magazine’s name?
The chosen genre of my magazine is Technology.
This will be aimed at students aged between 16-24. Particularly male students
who have a keen interest in technologies and the internet. I will have to
make sure I make the front cover incredibly visually appealing because the
geeky demographic are more likely read articles online than on paper. Also
because of this I need to make sure that the articles I choose to discuss are
topics that my audience would be interested in. The 3 articles I am going to
create are; 7 Unusual Ways to Make Money, Is Piracy Bad and How to get Big on
YouTube. Hopefully my audience will find these ‘how to’ articles useful and
give them and incentive to read the magazine.
The magazine will be branded with lots of modern,
futuristic colours like whites and blues. I will also not use colour
gradients and instead have only solid colours, similar to the style of iOS7
because I think this will make the magazine look fresh and many of my potential
readers are likely to own an apple product and therefore will identify with
My magazine will be called ‘Shortcut’, the
connotation behind this is shortcut is a computer term, that means doing a
task slightly quicker or more efficiently. Therefore, this magazine is like a
shortcut to life that will give you advice and help you to succeed.
communication objectives
Who is your audience?
Identify: tribe, socioeconomics, age, gender
My audience is 16-24 year olds. The gender split I
am aiming for is 80% male, 20% female. The tribe that Shortcut is targeted at
is Geek. In future issues I intend to include gadget reviews and the getting big
on YouTube article requires you to have a decent camera or editing software.
Because of this the socioeconomic group that the magazine is aimed at is
ABC1, so that they’re able to afford the gadgets I am referring to. However,
because of their age the vast majority of readers will still be living at
home, this means that most readers will still want more money so they are
able to afford things like cars, car insurance and university savings. This
will affect the content of my articles because many of them will be money
related as that is something my audience will find appealing. I will also
relate some of my articles to hobbies and things like YouTube as they’re
likely to have a reasonable amount of free time at that age. The design of my
product will also be affected my audience, I will include active imagery with
young models that my readers will be able to engage with and bright colours
with high image:text ratios.
Your unique selling point
The unique selling point of my magazine is that it
offers advice and tips and encourages readers to be entrepreneurial in a way
that other technology magazines like Wired and Stuff do not. That is why I
have included articles like ‘How to get Big on YouTube’, because YouTube is a
fun hobby that can also give you a new source of income.
Description of front cover and contents
Imagery to be deployed: metaphorical, ideal,
window to the future self
It is crucial that I make my front cover
incredibly visually appealing to my audience; it will definitely be a
challenge to get people who spend most of their time on the internet to read
something on paper. A technique that Stuff magazine do is put an attractive
girl on the front cover to entice the reader, however I am not going to do
that because my magazine is a supplement that goes along with the Northern
Echo and I believe that would be against their ethics.
I am going to use bright, clean colours on the
front cover of the magazine, the colour white will be the most dominant and
will be the colour of the background. My reason for this is white is a very
futuristic colour that is associated with modern technology and I want my
readers to see my magazine as very current and up to date. I will also use a
light blue colour for the magazine masthead to show that this magazine is
directed mainly at men. Blue is also in keeping with the modern technology
theme. I am going to use san serif fonts because I believe them to be more
youthful which is most suitable for my audience. I am also going to try to avoid
the use of gradients and shadows because although they seemed like a good
idea in my head when I added these effects in my mock ups it made the
magazine look dirty and clogged up the page. The imagery that I will use on
the front cover will be of a 17 year old boy, looking scared and a creeper,
from the game Minecraft, will be stood behind him. The model I use for this
will be handsome and well dressed, this will create a window to the future
self for the audience.
Double Page 1
Title, content and article type
The title of my first double page spread is 7
Unusual Ways to Make Money. As it suggests in the title, the content of this
article revolves around 7 different methods to earn cash, primarily through
the internet or online. A couple of examples include becoming a gaming tutor,
and putting advertisements on your car. The reason I chose to do this article
is because I think it is something my audience would be very interested in as
everyone wants to make a little extra cash, particularly students who are
living away from home. I tried to orientate most of the different methods
around being online and technology in some way because that is what the
magazine’s target audience is more geared towards.
The Title of this article will be a black bold
font, in italics with a turquoise stroke surrounding it. The background will be
plain white and the text boxes will also be turquoise and have rounded edges.
Just like the rest of the magazine, I will use san serif fonts.
The image to text radio will be about 4:6 and will
once again contain a window to the future self for the audience.
Double Page 2
Title, content and article type
This article is about getting big on YouTube,
there is a higher image to text ratio on this dps than the other ones, about
70:30. The objective of this article is to basically give you a brief
overview and some top tips on what makes a successful YouTube channel. 3
different images will feature on this page, the first one will be of Nyan cat
which is a character from a very successful YouTube video, the second image
will be a screenshot of the video game Minecraft, the third one will be of a
17 year old man jumping in front of an explosion. This is to show that short
action films do very well on YouTube. The model will be dressed in a trendy
fashion and will look very cool thus creating a window to the future self for
the reader.
The font which I use for the title of this article
will be a comical san serif one, but I will also incorporate the actual
YouTube logo into the title as well. The colour scheme will be red and white
to match the youtube logo, the background will be white and all headers and
text boxes will be a bold red colour with white text. Red is a dynamic colour
that stands out on a page and is associated with vibrancy.
Double page 3
Title, content and article type
The last DPS in my magazine is a discussion
article that asks the question, is piracy bad? The article will include the
opinions of many different people, including people from within the film
industry and normal people who we have given a questionnaire. This page is
laid out unlike the other DPSs I have created. The title is in the centre of
the two pages rather than the upper left, and at the bottom of the page is an
image of the ocean with a pirate ship. This is a pun of the word piracy. The
background will be a light blue to slightly darker blue gradient which
imitates the sky. All of the text boxes will be cartoon cloud shaped with a
white background and a black san serif font within them, some of the clouds
will display graphs using the data that was collected by my questionnaire. Extended
language will be used on this page because it will be an in-depth discussion
about the rights and wrong of piracy.
Free to view, supplement, retail? Circulation: how
many and why this number?
Outlets and rationale:
Pricing: premium, mid or free to view? Why?
Print quality: Discuss print finishing, magazine
size, paper quality. Number of pages.
Advertising to content ratio
Shortcut is going to be a supplement that comes
along with The Northern Echo, 40,000 copies will be printed because that is how
many the Northern Echo sell daily. 52% of Northern Echo readers are male,
although not all of them are the correct age group. Many of the people who
buy The Northern Echo are parents and will hopefully pass on the magazine to
their teenage children. The magazine size will be A4 so that it doesn’t look
like a newspaper and put off teenage audiences. The paper quality will be GSM
coated paper. Of the 12 pages, about ¼ of them will be advertisements; this
should eventually create good profit because each single page advert will be
priced at £750 each and double page adverts are sold at £1500. Obviously when
the magazine is first launched advertisers will not be interested in it until
we develop a regular readership base. But this is normal for new magazines.
Story control Objectives
The first article will be 7 Unusual Ways To Make
Money, this will give the audience helpful tips that help them earn a bit of
extra cash, without needing any kind of qualifications, most of the methods
will be internet based seen as this is a technology magazine. The second
magazine is How to Get BIG on YouTube which continues the tips and tricks
theme which runs throughout the entire magazine. This DPS has a high
image:text ratio and discusses things like thumbnails, title names etc. The
final article is called Is Piracy Bad? This article discusses the different
opinions surrounding pirating media. It uses the opinions of readers, people
on social media sites and people from within the film and music industry. The
money article will be about 900 words long, Youtube will be 400 and Piracy
will be 400 words as well.
Image content objectives
7 Unusual Ways to Make Money will include literal
active imagery because it will be my model acting out several of the
activities that are mentioned in the article. My model will create a window
to the future self for the reader, I will use someone who is physically fit
and dressed well, making the readers think that they could be like him if
they did any of the methods. He will have good posture throughout all of the
photographs so that he comes across as confident. The largest image on the
page will be my model holding a video camera to demonstrate being a Youtube
partner. I also need him playing video games with a controller, and wearing a
duck mask whilst dancing, adding a little humour to the article.
Is Piracy Bad is an article that will include
metaphorical imagery, specifically a pirate ship on the ocean.
How To Make Money On Youtube will be another
article that includes a window the future self. All of the models throughout
the magazine will be male and aged around 18, because this is the demographic
that is most identifiable with my audience.
Language Control Objectives
The How To Make Money On Youtube and 7 Unusual
Ways to Make Money will both use the same style of language and tone; a
comical upbeat and slightly sarcastic. Whereas Is Privacy Bad will
concentrate more on informing the reader and giving them lots of facts and
information, which will hopefully provoke thought within their own minds and
perhaps make them write their opinions on the Shortcut social networking sites.
Colour control objectives
The colour of my magazine in general will be
modern colours like blue and white, generally clean colours. This will make
the magazine appear futuristic and therefore up to date with technology. The
3 main colours I will use are light blue, white and then black. The black
will be used as the text colour because I believe this looks professional, it
will also be used as a stroke on the white titles as this makes the title
very clear whilst also looking very attractive. The Piracy dps will have a
blue gradient background to simulate the sky, where was both the other
articles will have white backgrounds. The YouTube article will use a red
white and black colour scheme instead of blue white and black because I don’t
want the magazine to feel to repetitive and also the red will match the
Youtube logo.
Typography objectives
My Youtube dps will use Impact as the font in the
title because that is the font Youtube use in their logo. It is also a very
clean san-serif font that can be read from a distance with youthful connotations.
My making money article will also use impact in the header, however it will
be in italics, to create a more dynamic feel. The Piracy dps will actually
have a completely different feel to my other articles and will use a comical
cartoon font for the header, the font will be Comix loud, this will create a
youthful feel but also make the article itself feel upbeat, it is important
that it feels upbeat because some people might consider the article to be
boring so I need to make it appear interesting.
Layout objectives
The Money dps will have three columns on each page
but they will be split up to start at different levels. Because the
information is split up it makes it a lot easier to read because it won’t
look quite so overwhelming to the reader. The main image on my money dps
will overlap with one of the text boxes slightly just to create more depth.
The kicker used in this article will be descriptive but also humorous at the
same time, which will hopefully encourage the readers to continue reading the
entire thing.
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